Now also fisiotherapy at Euro Clínica Rincon

Menno van Pruijssen

General and geriatric physiotherapist at Euro Clínica Rincon

Menno has more than 20 years of experience as a general physiotherapist and more than 10 years as a specialized geriatric physiotherapist.

You can contact him for all things for which you normally visit your physiotherapist (or physiotherapist) in the Netherlands or Belgium. For pain complaints or limitations in your muscles and joints, but because of its specialization also for specific problems that can occur with ageing; balance problems, osteoporosis (bone loss), walking problems, osteoarthritis (joint wear and tear), or more specific conditions such as a stroke or Parkinson’s.

If you cannot come to the clinic, treatment at home is also possible.

The most important thing for him is working together with the patient towards an optimal solution for the pain complaint or limitation. The patient’s request for help and the personal goal are central to this.

Please call us for an appointment: +34 966 830 849

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