With a 24-hour blood pressure measurement, your blood pressure is measured during 24 hours. This way it is possible to get detailed information of your blood pressure.
The examination
With a 24-hour blood pressure measurement you will get a band placed around your arm with a blood pressure monitor. The monitor you wear with a belt around your hip. Measuring your blood pressure is done automatically, the band blows up and runs empty on its own. Your doctor determines how often your blood pressure is measured. The blood pressure monitor automatically stores all the blood pressure values. In addition, the device also measures your heart rate.
A 24-hour blood pressure measurement is a safe research. There may be tingling in your arm occur during the measurement or during the inflation of the blood pressure band. This will pass automatically. The sound the device makes, can sometimes make it difficult to sleep.
Duration of the examination
24 Hours
The results
After the registration period, the data from the blood pressure monitor are read with a computer.
You will be given a new appointment with your doctor, to discuss the results of your test.